Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Accident in the Underground (SUMMER)

On July 3, 2006 at 7:58 in Valencia the underground of the line 1 I hit and this cost the life of 43 persons. This accident has been one of few accidents of underground of the whole Europe. The accident according to what you all have heard has been for speeding, but I am going to try to tell you the truth, they have been many mas motives all caused by the government of Valencia, the PP. The speeding of the underground was caused because the drivers' regulation of underground demands that every driver finds made a period of practices of 2 months and the driver who was leading the alone underground had done 15 days of practices. The second reason that I cause the accident was for the brakes, they were in very bad been, the PP says that this underground had fulfilled the requirements of inspection, but nevertheless the managers of the underground have said that it had never gone anybody is to do an inspection to him to this underground, they were saying that they were calling the manager of inspection "Donathereisnoresponse" because providing that they had never called it her had come to the inspection of underground. If the brakes had been in good condition the driver might have stopped in time (though his workshop of practices has been 15 days). Already I have finished of speaking about the accident now he will speak about other things related to the accident of underground. A question that I always me ago is: according to the PP there is no money to arrange the underground, But there is no money to arrange the underground and if to bring to walking Valencia to the Pope of Rome?, I believe that it finds it hard many money to bring here to the Pope that to arrange the underground. Also the accident might have been avoided if the PP had put in the tour of the underground beacons (objects on that they put in the tours of the underground, if the underground goes to mas speed of the due one the beacon automatically reduces the speed of the underground, only they cost neither 3000 Euros nor a fourth part of what cost the Pope of Rome). It is everything what certainly might do hypothesis in opposition to the PP that surely they were true but better I will not say anything mas, because in the end serian hypothesis.

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