Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas in Spain

The day of Christmas is A December 25, is the day that to be born Jesus, because of it is a holiday, good night is December 24 that is the day that Maria and Jose came to the portal of Bethlehem. On December 24 in the night he remains with the family, a family dinner is done, and they give you the gifts (the uncles and grandparents give you money).In Spain one is in the habit of being with the family on December 25, is Santa Claus, Santa Claus does gifts to you. Also there is in the habit of putting a tree of Christmas, which is in the habit of being a pine, fully of balls of Christmas and you star.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

blogs para navidaD

navidad en españa, navidades en otras religiones y escribir ujn comentaruio a paula

Monday, December 11, 2006

The eyes

The sense of the sight is the one that allows us to know everything what exists to ours around, to relate to other persons, we must possess the elements adapted to catch and to interpret signs to come of the exterior, that is to say of the way that wraps us. The images that the eye catches they can to be: information about the color, the form, the distance, position, movement of the objects and the persons.... The sight is the most perfect human and evolved sense. The organ recipient is the eye. I chose this sense, for which he is the one that more was called me the attention, and he looks like to me one of the most important for the human being.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


The committee of the Eurobeat is an organization formed by 12 schools, between these are:

- two of Portugal
- three are from Valencia
- an escual is from Holland
- two mas of France - two of Denmark
- two of Germany

The name of this year is Eurobeat, treats itself that every school ploughs a pace or a song that goes out of inside you, we have chosen to do it without instruments, that is to say with bottles, sticks...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Denmark 2

My second blog of Denmark. Not yet we have gone to Denmark but even so I must do this blog… we do not have but the new news on Denmark, I proposed to go to the city of I bequeath of Copenhague. Serious interesting to visit all a city done with I bequeath. Now I am speaking with some Danish and Danish, are like some of them, and I do not clarify my self to speak to them in English. Single to become simple, very simple questions. So I hope that when we go to Denmark it dominates a little but the English.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Instrument of music

Tomorrow it is Tuesday, and go to beginning the classes, I am going to learn to touch under, an instrument of music. Since he buys me the alone instrument I have learn to touching the cockroach, to if for that I hope that tomorrow the teacher teaches me a little. Not that more to count in this blog, to if that I am going to describe my down, is black (the best color) and .... good the mast is of wood aged, it is everything what I can tell you.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Possibly, like thing exepcional go two days to Copenhagen. If we go to Copenhagen we will go out of here May 7. If we do not go to Copenhagen, and we go directly to Europa's committee, go of Spain on May 9. When we come to Denmark us recibiran with a holiday party, the Danishes that we received in first of ESO. The first day of the alone committee sera to assign the familia and the welcome to us. The second day we will do a few workshops. The demas days I do not remember that ivamos to doing. The weekend we will be with the family and will know hiscustoms. On Sunday or Monday we will take the plane of return to Valencia. I expect to learn to speak something about Englishman and to know many many people

Friday, October 13, 2006

Mas of Walnut-tree

On Wednesday, the 4th of October we went away to the Mas of Walnut-tree, first took the underground on the station of the North, after one hour and a half by train we came to Caudiel, put to cover towards the Mas of Walnut-tree, after other two hours and a half we came to our destination. They gave to us a chat and we put to eat. They gave to us the rooms and we leave our utensils in them. We rest from the long excursion and to 5 a.m. i average we went there is necessary to do a few activities that had prepared the monitors. The activities were consisting of explaining to us a bit the functioning of the Mas of Walnut-tree. Already it was by night, therefore we sup on and do a few games that there had prepared Niko and Alexandra (a few monitors). When they ended the games we went away "to "sleeping". The following day we get up at half after 8, have breakfast and are there is necessary to do more activities, we ate, rested and again mas activities. Later already we sup on and do a few very enterteining games, when they finished we went away to the bed. The following day they raised us at 8 a.m. i it happens again and we begin a trek that we will never forget.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Summary of the book

The book starts in to perfect world, Eden City this world would be Hitler's dream. Everybody is blonde with blue eyes. To boy, meets to girl, the girl is different, she is herd eyes.They two speak, the girl says that she has to speak with, tells him that this world is unreal. She speaks to him about a real world.They go to the real world, hidden in a very big box. Once in the real world they were the two to a café they speak with the waitress who is very ugly, but happy, the boy scares to see someone ugly and there go away with taxi to house the parents of his friend. They come to the house of the parents and the boy even very scares, the parents are old, in Eden City at the age of 25 they kill them, and scares on having seen someone old, he is moving along to his city without looking behind.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Two homosexual military men marry!! (SUMMER)

Two homosexual military men marry at 19:30, being the first ones of the whole Spain. They are called Alberto Linero Marchena and Alberto Sanchez Fernandez, I believe that they are very brave on his part for doing it, risking to the possible looks and you criticize of his companions of the army. I believe that nobody could imagine happened a few days ago, this servira of example for all the homosexual ones of the world.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fires in Galicia (SUMMER)

This year 829 fires have taken place in Galicia, these fires have been produced by all kinds of people and reasons, some reasons are farmers who were hot in order that the meadow is born and they there has gone away the fire, others for people who was throwing glasses to the forest, also some of them have been for people who wants cuasar chaos (there is hypothesis that so many followed fires have been a plot organized by people of the PP who wants to cause chaos), many of these fires could have been for that the ramaderia and the agriculture this decayendo much, in Lugo there have been many people fewer fires, since there one works very much the ramaderia and I spread a fire was coming to a meadow of pasture for the cows the fire could not continue.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Israel and Lebanon (SUMMER)

Welded both of Israel and of the Lebanese guerrilla warfare (Hezbolá) there kidnap soldiers of the opposite decree to be able to interchange prisoners. Israel warned The Lebanon that if he did not return the last kidnapped soldiers would tackle a war to invade The Lebanon. Hezbolá refused to return to the prisoners and from there to tackled a war against The Lebanon. The consequences of the war have been the destruction of many electric power stations and buildings Lebanese, thousands of dead men in The Lebanon and dozens of dead men in Israel. The UNO is going to send soldiers in order that they put in the way and stop the war.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Accident in the Underground (SUMMER)

On July 3, 2006 at 7:58 in Valencia the underground of the line 1 I hit and this cost the life of 43 persons. This accident has been one of few accidents of underground of the whole Europe. The accident according to what you all have heard has been for speeding, but I am going to try to tell you the truth, they have been many mas motives all caused by the government of Valencia, the PP. The speeding of the underground was caused because the drivers' regulation of underground demands that every driver finds made a period of practices of 2 months and the driver who was leading the alone underground had done 15 days of practices. The second reason that I cause the accident was for the brakes, they were in very bad been, the PP says that this underground had fulfilled the requirements of inspection, but nevertheless the managers of the underground have said that it had never gone anybody is to do an inspection to him to this underground, they were saying that they were calling the manager of inspection "Donathereisnoresponse" because providing that they had never called it her had come to the inspection of underground. If the brakes had been in good condition the driver might have stopped in time (though his workshop of practices has been 15 days). Already I have finished of speaking about the accident now he will speak about other things related to the accident of underground. A question that I always me ago is: according to the PP there is no money to arrange the underground, But there is no money to arrange the underground and if to bring to walking Valencia to the Pope of Rome?, I believe that it finds it hard many money to bring here to the Pope that to arrange the underground. Also the accident might have been avoided if the PP had put in the tour of the underground beacons (objects on that they put in the tours of the underground, if the underground goes to mas speed of the due one the beacon automatically reduces the speed of the underground, only they cost neither 3000 Euros nor a fourth part of what cost the Pope of Rome). It is everything what certainly might do hypothesis in opposition to the PP that surely they were true but better I will not say anything mas, because in the end serian hypothesis.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A Punker kills a Neonazi. (SUMMER)

There was a fight between Punkers and Neonazis. The Punkers won the fight, then a punker girl lost control and killed a Neonazi with a knive. My personal opinion is that killing doesn't solve anything. I hate the Neonazis, but we musn't kill them. My solution is to stop making publicity campaigns against drugs and to make publicity campaigns against the Neonazis. The mayority of the Neonazis are uncultivated people , how can they think that somebody is inferior because of the colour of his skin?, we musn't kill the Neonazis, we must give them a book so that they read it.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Javier Solana

Javier Solana is the Representative of Europa's Foreign Affairs. To gone to Iran in order that he signs a paper saying that he promises not to have nuclear weapon. Iran does not have nuclear weapon, but he does not also want to promise to that never tendra, because Iran cannot have and E.E.U.U if?. Javier Solana has offered them that they they venderan the uranium enriquicido if they promise not to have weapon nuclear. Also Bush has said that to attack Iran since I hoist with Iraq if he does not promise to have nuclear weapon.

Estatut Català

The Catalan statute is the norm that establishes the competencies between Spain and Catalonia. Therefore the Catalan statute is the one that decides what can do Catalonia without asking the Spanish government for permission and what it can do without asking anybody for permission. Now that the Spanish government cannot decide determined in Catalonia either.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


The bullyng is a phenomenon that the authors sulen to have between 12 and 17 years, the bullyng consists of bothering a person up to isolating her of the society. Once a few children of approximately 14 years they did bullyng to Joquin (of approximately 14 years) until I do not support this mas and it killed itself. From this case of suicide estan taking mas measurements against in bullyng.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Human Rights

The Human Rights, they are the rights of every person, it wants to say that your you have a few rights and these rights nobody can take them from you. For example a right of every person is that the police you cannot enter your house without an order of record signed by a judge. Also these in your right to have an attorney of office when policeman detains you pa. There are many rights, the malloria they are fulfilled but another great part they are not fulfilled.

Monday, May 22, 2006


I think that this type of proyects are very importants for children, because they know different cultures, different people and visit new places. And we don’t go to the school for a week, wich is very important. Is supposed that we learn a little bit of the idiom where we go, but we are more interested in make friends.
Finally, this is one of the best experiences that I have made, I’ll repeat this everyear. And I’ll like that this will be more than a week.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Nepal was an absolute monarchy, the prince wanted to marry a girl but your parents were not leaving him, the prince I kill his parents, your brother, sister, two uncles and three aunts, later I give a shot in the head but he did not die forthwith, if not that I stay in comma deeply. Once in the hospital in his Permanent unconsciousness they nominated him a king, and to three days he died.For 10 years the Communist party Nepalí tries to demolish to the feudal regime by means of guerrilla warfares.


The Palestinians to live in Palestine for more of 1000 years.50 years ago the powers that gained the second world war founded israel's state and Palestinians started occupying more territory and to expelling the population who had to shelter in camps where many live since then Palestinian.
At present the Palestinians want to create a Palestinian state in your territory, to what one denies israel's state. The Palestinian groups and israel's state have used in terrorism to obtain your aims. The Israelites there are establacido safety controls and a wall to protect, the problem is that the people have your work or his hospital to another part of the control and they cannot accede rapidly to his routines.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


In Iran not estan doing nuclear bombs!!!Only there are a few countries in the whole world that they have right to have nuclear armament, as all savem E.E.U.U if tien this perimiso, and other countries that I do not resolve(remind) myself.The problem is that Iran wants to do a head office(plant) of uranium, we all know that of the uranium it is possible to do nuclear armament, because of it E.E.U.U (since(as,like) always) invents lies to blame to other countries and aora says that Iran has nuclear armament.But NOT, it(he,she) does not have nuclear alone armament this doing a factory of uranium!!! And it(he,she) has the whole right there is necessary to do it!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


The truth is that I do not believe that ETA stops doing attempts forever, but at least it does the intention, this one very well, something is something. Me encanataria that indeed is like that, because it does not seem to me likely that ETA aga attempts in order that the people know what he thinks, for anything there is a democracy and if it wants that El País newspaper Basco is a country, that is to say independently, which it has to do is to appear to the votings.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


I think that the young men have mobile, but podrian to use them otherwise, it is normal that they write with lacks, but it is not normal that they use in mobile for everything. Also the photos, that the mobile ones burden videoes and do photos it leads often to conflicts. But this one very well that are in use for aiming at things and for communicating. Always the miviles are an expense of money, want or do not want they are very expensive.