Monday, January 21, 2008

Present Perfect

This entry treats about the Present Perfect Tense.
The Present Perfect has diferents forms.

- Subject + have/has + participle of the verb+ complements.
- For example:

I have eaten in the kitchen.
She has flied by plane.
We/you/they have travelled to Cuba

- Subject + have/ has + not + Participle of the verb + complements.
- For example:
I haven’t eaten in the kitchen
She hasn’t flied by plane
We/you/they have travelled to Cuba.

- Have/has + subject + participle + complements.
- For example:
Have I eaten in the kitchen?
Has she flied by plane?
Have we/they/you travelled to Cuba?

The Present Perfect Tense has diferents uses:

- To mark the repercusions something that ocurred in the past has in peresent.

- Talking about a periode in the past that is finished.

- Make references to a future moment in a time sentence.