Thursday, August 30, 2007

New York (SUMMER)

I started off Valencia the day 22 de July, I went to Milan (Italy), and in Milan I raised an airplane in the direction of New York. Later of nine flight hours I arrived to New York, we requested a taxi so that he took us to the hotel. We raised the rooms and we left the bags, later we lowered to the street in order to know New York, but soon we rose the hotel to sleep, the day had been long.

We were 6 days in New York in which we visited the Statue of the Freedom, the Impire State, Roquefeler Centre...

New York is a caotic city, there aren't waste baskets! the sweepings crowded in bags in the street. Enormous and very high buildings. Many screens announcing products and much people, thus are as New York could be described.

Monday, August 27, 2007

My favourite transport. (SUMMER)

Really. I haven’t a favourite means of transport, because an means of transport can carry you where you want, but depens or the desting. If I would choose the undergound because is a very fast transport and, nowadays, there are a lot of lines and a lot of destines that you can can choose. The disaduandages of the undergound is the price ,that is, in my opinion, expensive. Beacuse of the lube’s prices are bean, la tely expensive. Spile of prices, I prefer the tube like means ot transport for his fast, however the tube can be changerous, if not repair toften.