Tuesday, December 04, 2007

My friends

I think to friends is the more important in your live. They are when you need them. You can

My friends

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


The way to defend an idea and that your requests and views are supported by others is a manifestation convene together the largest number of people that i go to the manifestation, this is how is achieved something and not burning containers or breaking windows. As everywhere there are people out and fault of these people instead after exiting in the paper because it goes toward that demonstration: "young radicals burn container, 3 detainees and 4 injured. Only with those things that gets after people put us as hooligans and vandals, and creating contempt.

In Spain many years we have been unable to take to the streets to defend an idea, and that's why I think now if it is important to do it and go to a demonstration if you think its just cause.

Lots of people think that you won't change anything by going to a demonstration, but hopefully they're on a wrong thinking, because that's true, one person won't change anything, but if everybody takes the street to defend his ideas, i'm sure that things will change, so please..don't stay home and take it as a relaxing day and go to take the street.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Manga Comics

The comic manga is a comic style, there are two types in American (Marvel) and the Japanese, called manga. They differ mainly in the picture but also a little in the text, always tries to marvel superhéroes and manga simply any player but not sule have no power hallucinating. The marvel is more capitalist, always makes bad the Communists, the manga however I think it is for most people "concerned" by these things.

The two things are very expensive to have all the comics in a series like all comics of spider-man, you have to spend plenty money. Also, when we say that from a comic make a television series in what we call Anime. For people who normally read comics freak call, and they say that not even matured, I see a stupidity can be as interesting as a comic novel, not because I have drawings is more child.

Ultimately manga is a comic, born Japanese based mormaly in ninjas and things of this kind, and there are many manga comics that are pretty good or so I am told. I personally recommend that leais any such Death Note.



Guillem Beltran Lopez.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


There would have to be mixed on the day of Hispanidad (in the day when Columbus discovered America) with the National Day of Spain. As the day on October 12 is the patron saint of Spain have joined since the same day with the day of Hispanidad.

Let's talk about the day of Hispanidad, and leave aside the National Day of Spain. The little that is the day of Hispanidad is that the day will be discovered America, and that's why we celebrate the discovery of America.

The date of Oct. 12 (the day of hispanidad) is a black date, not only for those of us who believe laity, Republicans and leftists, but for all those for which the genocide in the Americas and converted by the imaginary spanish in national epic is a disgrace to humanity.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Tomatina (SUMMER)

29 of August, Tomatina in Buñol, everything began in the morning of this day. I get up to the 5:30 meter left to 6:11, later we took the train of the RENFE, the train was full plenty of foreigners! they had come from all the country! although they dominated the English, Japanese and the Americans.

One hour in affluent train tightened, we didn't fit so many people, we arrived at the station of trains of Buñol. All were very beasts, began with taking t-shirts and to throw them and soon already the tomatos came.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

San Francisco (SUMMER)

Everything begins when we are again going to the airport of Las Vegas to rent a car. Once with unn automatic car of seven seats we directed us towards San Francisco, crossing Californian.

First day: We crossed Death Valley, as the valley of the death indicates the name, the heat was "superior" to whatever you could have experimented,we stopped moments to buy water and foods and followed until we found a typical roadside motel to sleep.

Second Day: Highway, highway and more highway, another night but in a motel and to see anything that another pretty town.

The days happened until finally we arrived at San Francisco. We crossed the famous bridge, Golden Gate, found our hotel and there we spent the night, the typical street car was what we took the following day, and famous carcel, Alcatraz. As soon as we had realized already and we were returned in Spain. Thus our precious trip finalized.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Las Vegas (SUMMER)

After being 6 days in New York we take an airplane in the direction of Las Vegas. The flight to last five hours, we arrived at the airport of Las Vegas without mishaps, but nothing but to leave the airport the heat was unbearable, about forty degrees and the wind was hot.

Two taxis took to us to Hotel. The Hotel is of film, an enormous casino, hundreds of vending machines, roulettes, games of poker... This ARE the LAS VEGAS!

That same night we took a bus that took us to the center of Lasf Vegasf. Lights, sounds, shows and more lights were first that we saw. Each one of the thousands of casinos that were represented something typical: the pyramids of Egyptian, the Eiffel tower, Venice...

To the following day we became to go to the heart of Las Vegas, but we did not take ne much to return, aside from a frightful heat to 2:30 left a small plane that would take us to the Tube of the Colorado. There aren't words to describe the wonderful of this place.

On the following day already we left to San Francisco.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

New York (SUMMER)

I started off Valencia the day 22 de July, I went to Milan (Italy), and in Milan I raised an airplane in the direction of New York. Later of nine flight hours I arrived to New York, we requested a taxi so that he took us to the hotel. We raised the rooms and we left the bags, later we lowered to the street in order to know New York, but soon we rose the hotel to sleep, the day had been long.

We were 6 days in New York in which we visited the Statue of the Freedom, the Impire State, Roquefeler Centre...

New York is a caotic city, there aren't waste baskets! the sweepings crowded in bags in the street. Enormous and very high buildings. Many screens announcing products and much people, thus are as New York could be described.

Monday, August 27, 2007

My favourite transport. (SUMMER)

Really. I haven’t a favourite means of transport, because an means of transport can carry you where you want, but depens or the desting. If I would choose the undergound because is a very fast transport and, nowadays, there are a lot of lines and a lot of destines that you can can choose. The disaduandages of the undergound is the price ,that is, in my opinion, expensive. Beacuse of the lube’s prices are bean, la tely expensive. Spile of prices, I prefer the tube like means ot transport for his fast, however the tube can be changerous, if not repair toften.

Sunday, June 03, 2007


The podcasting consists of creating sound files (generally in format ogg or mp3) and to distribute them by means of a file RSS so that there allows to sign and to be used a program that unloads it in order that the user listens to it in the moment that wants, generally in a portable breeding player. I not very well what is but seems to me to be useful for what I read on it.


Friday, May 25, 2007


Eurobeat!!! It is the music that goes out of inside every person, the workshops that to do in Denmark are on it, on the music, also they were treating of dance, it was like to express by means of music and he dances all your feelings that mas in the bottom to feel. Oh my god!! it is very "cursi"!! (I don't know like is "cursi" in english). It is a shame that alone is done in third of ESO, please it could make it every year and be present at the Eurobeat that so much I liked!! I believe that I am going to repeat course to be able to return to go!




Thursday, May 24, 2007


Denmark are very well!! It was a trip full of laughs and amusement! A beautiful country full of trees and plants, a good transport I publish, in good condition and very economically. The people were nice and make happy, at least with that I estube, the family was very agreeable and the house seem of magazine, his design was of magazine. The activities were very well, and on Friday we did the performance that do condition practising during so much time. This photo is that of my family!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


The successor of Darío faced in the second year of his reign the rebels of the Egyptian Delta, obtaining a forceful victory. The Egyptian province was still had entrusted by his brother Aquemenes, raising the hardness the relations with the Egyptian subjects. Once suffocated the revolts, Jerjes continued with the struggle against the Greeks. After the victory before Leónidas of Sparta and the entry in the Athenian Acropolis, which temples were plundered and inflamed, the defeats they happened, being some so forceful as in Salamina, Orchestra or Eurimedonte. This situation provoked that Jerjes was resigning his Greek colonies in the Asia Minor and his desires of entrometerse in the Greek politics. Jerjes was murdered in 465 B.C. leaving his son Artajerjes as successor.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Trainspotting is a brittish fil which was directed by Danny Boyle.

This book is about a book wrote by irvine welsh and it talks about persons addicted to drugs on Edimburgh.

Mark is the main character of this film, he is an heroin addict, which has some friends who are too, mark is happy with his lif until he notices, that is wasting his life by this way.

So he decided to leave the heroin and find the real things which makes live important, like love, friends etc.

But this won't be an easy task!

This film has some consequences to the public, because they said it incited teenagers to taste heroin.

This film is declared by one of the best brittish films done.

the name was trainspotting because on a chapter of the book they go to the station and a drunk man, asks them if they're doing trainspotting which is a hobby where they make photos to trains.

I found information on:

Monday, April 30, 2007

The different problems of the Sahara.

Everything what happens in the Sahara, from a beginning is through the fault of Morocco, it invaded the Sahara without giving explanations. Spain might have avoided it not withdrawing his troops and giving his support to the Sahara, but it did not do it. Now we are going to leave behind the past and are going to analyze the present, they go if I do not remember badly 37 years from 1975, 37 years living out of his land, in the middle of the desert, they they pulled his houses and even they have not returned to them, one cannot consist this, Morocco does not obey anybody, i besides they have E.E.U.U's help, they provide to them the weapon with which they have the Sahara invaded. They live in bad conditions, in shops of campaign, houses of adobe, not drinkable water for us, sand throughout, wind and a lot of heat, this they are his conditions of life and little we do the others for helping them, little, if it is not at all. And this way it is since they live there, we have the biggest luck of living here and of having everything and all that we need.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Hi, i'm going to talk a little bit about fallas:
Fallas are a party from València which is one of the most important in the world.
On fallas people make sculptures who are going to be burnt on 19th march.
There are also mascletas, which are a lot of fireworks sploding at the same time, and a lot of things.
children use to throw fireworks and a lot of people, resaults ill or without one hand, for example.
On the photo you can see one of the hundred fallas are placed in valencia for that party.

I don't like fallas so much because i think is a party from people with right wing views.

I've also post a video which shows a mascleta.

Monday, April 16, 2007


The Easter are a few holidays of religious character. There are commemorated the death and the resurrection of crucifix, on the holy Thursday in the Last Dinner he was when Jesus Christ knew that they were going to condemn him to death and on the holy Friday they crucify it in the cross. It is a few days in which the Catholics cannot eat meat. My parents say that on Thursday and Friday it was possible laugh because as my paternal grandparents were saying: " Our Gentleman has died ". On Sunday Jesus was reviving therefore it was everything opposite: it was a day of happiness, from there they begin the Easter, the typical activities: to go to the mountain or to the field, to jump to the rope, to buy monkeys of pascua and to break the egg in the forehead of other one, to irritate the (cachirulo) … Now nevertheless all that has been ended.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Greenhouse effect

The climatic change is a thing of all. We will not suffer these consequences but if we children, not only it is necessary to think: " It Is all the same, if the consequences not the voi when I live ". It is an egoism. The first step that it is necessary to give is to begin your, if we do not make anybody it it was never beginning.
Consequences of the Greenhouse effect
- we use too much the cars.- we spend without control - waste very much.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Christmas in Argentina.

The houses are decorated by red and white garlands. The Christmas tree is decorated by lights of colors and balls of colors.
It is a custom to ask the children with enough anticipation to write a letter to Dad Noel asking for gifts him. In Spain it is not a custom to write a letter to Dad Noel, but if to the Magi. These gifts are put under the tree of Christmas. Not only the children receive gifts but also the adults. The gifts are opened at 12 p.m., not before not later.
Almost all the families go to the church and return to house to a familymeeting. This holiday is special since Christ's birth is celebrated.
Diverse plates are served in the dinner of Christmas Eve, but most known it is the Argentine roast.